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World Jellyfish Day

Jellyfish are in the phylum Cnidarians an ancient group of animals with a history of more than 650 million years. The word Cnidarian comes from the Ancient Greek: knide = nettle, named after a type of plant with stinging hairs. They have soft, hollow bodies, live in water and generally have tentacles. Fun Fact: Moon Jelly can age backwards!

International Whale Shark Day

We love these gentle giants of the ocean and are sad to say Whale Sharks are listed as Endangered and are at risk of extinction in the wild. International Whale Shark Day is used to highlight their wonder, their role in keeping our ocean ecosystems healthy and balanced – and the threats they face so that

World Oceans Day

The 2022 theme for the United Nations World Ocean Day is Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean. We need to conserve our wonderful marine resources for future generations. Get involved in the conversation with #WorldOceansDay and #BigBlueFuture and tag @MSCbluefishtick for the chance to have your post shared to our networks.